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Testing vs Checking – Why is this still so contentious?

Well, I didn’t expect the reaction I got when I was talking to a load of QA managers recently about how checking isn’t testing… it reminded me of how I reacted to it years ago when I was first fronted with the concept. I remember struggling and...

A month of reflection (and still testing)

Who’s a pretty boy then? Don’t worry about the Zombie just yet. It will make sense as you read.It’s not everyone that can say they’ve been lucky enough to have a month off from work. And in relation to this post, I can say that this is...

A little treasure – How to Test (Free eBook)

So, just having a look about at more test blogs and I stumbled across this little gem of a booK that’s FREE! Yes, that’s right, FREE! (Every body loves free stuff, especially when it’s something we’re all invensted in)....

Leading a Test Team: The Challenge Ahead

So, I very nearly named this blog post “Leading a ‘Testing’ Team”. I don’t know if that was a Freudian slip on my part, or actually if it’s just a statement of fact. How does someone go about leading a test team, or a testing team...