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Testing vs Checking – Why is this still so contentious?

Well, I didn’t expect the reaction I got when I was talking to a load of QA managers recently about how checking isn’t testing… it reminded me of how I reacted to it years ago when I was first fronted with the concept. I remember struggling and...

Advocating for less testing?

I need to pre-fix this by saying that this is in response to someone in my current organisation pointing to a post by Anne-Marie Charrett about advocating for less testing. So what is this about? This is around less testing making your development process more robust....

Bullying: My journey through it

I’ve seen a lot of posts over the last few months about bullying, specifically in the workplace; with facts and figures, and others commenting that, for whatever reason, think they’re qualified to pass comment on such things with their, I’m sure,...

The Power of Language

In today’s world, I cannot believe that people, especially those in a position of authority, are still seemingly ignorant of the power of language. Even if it’s a written note, email or in-person and out loud, it still has the same, if not more of, an...

An apology and, maybe, an explanation.

So, as inferred in the title, I need to apologise to those that read this blog; more for the lack of posts in recent months than anything specific. Mea culpa. What’s worse, is that I have more posts in my draft folder than I have live on the blog! I’m not...

Affecting Change/Being Disruptive

“…but we all appreciate positive disruption. We need to learn to take note in the first few months of people raising their ideas, as they’re not ‘beaten into acceptance’ of things never going to change…” How many times have...

A month of reflection (and still testing)

Who’s a pretty boy then? Don’t worry about the Zombie just yet. It will make sense as you read.It’s not everyone that can say they’ve been lucky enough to have a month off from work. And in relation to this post, I can say that this is...

An interesting year. More to come.

A year in “development”… “Something about the last year, growing the test team, getting to Head of Test and unification of tools…”Me – 2017 The above was an idea for a blog post that I started to write in October of last year....
The challenge of a new start(er)

The challenge of a new start(er)

Now, just to say firstly, that’s not for me. This is me thinking about the challenge of training a new tester. How does one go about training a new starter, as well as someone new to testing? Some might think me a bit mad for taking on someone so...